For more information on ScrollKeeper and the OMF:
OMF web pages. The OMF web pages contain the latest version of the official OMF scheme.
ScrollKeeper web pages. The ScrollKeeper web pages contain all the latest news, releases, and documentation about ScrollKeeper.
"ScrollKeeper: Open Source Document Management". This article on gives a nice overview of ScrollKeeper and presents an interesting perspective on its place in Unix/Linux environments.
ScrollServer. "ScrollServer is a Python based http server that provides access to a ScrollKeeper database with any web browser. You can use ScrollServer to browse and search help files that are installed in the ScrollKeeper database on your computer. Someday you will also be able to view online ScrollServer databases."
omfgen. omfgen is a tool for creating OMF files.
db2omf. db2omf extracts OMF metadata from DocBook documents. It can be obtained from the LDP (Linux Documentation Project) CVS.