DocBook is a widely used XML scheme for writing documentation
and help. It has a very rich markup which allows you to use
XSL stylesheets to produce various target formats such as
HTML, PostScript, PDF, RTF, and HTMLHelp. ScrollKeeper was
designed with an emphasis on DocBook, since it has the richest
markup of all commonly used documentation formats which allows
ScrollKeeper to extract the most useful information from the document
The DocBook DTD and stylesheets are typically distributed in
packages which lack installation scripts. In the past,
installation was simple enough that users could easily just copy
the files into place. Now that modern XML libraries, such as
libxml, support XML catalogs, correct installation of DTD's and
stylesheets require proper catalog registration. The following packages
are based on Norman Walsh's standard packages, but are modified to have
installation scripts to correctly register the files: